Rutherford County Young Farmers & Ranchers

Promoting the future of local agriculture.

What is YF&R

The Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) is an integral part of Tennessee Farm Bureau, with county committees established throughout the state. Men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 are encouraged to become involved. YF&R members are hard-working agriculture professionals dedicated to developing their leadership skills and empowering others to become actively involved in agriculture advocacy, promotion and education.


To promote professional and personal development that advances the professional field of agriculture by providing a forum for networking, recognition and volunteer opportunities within the agricultural community. To provide resources and education on food and fiber production to our local community. And to protect or industry and lifestyle by being actively involved in local, state and national legislation.

Rutherford County Committee

Chair - Jennifer Dowd

Vice Chair - Lindsey Parsley

Secretary - Bailey Hatch

Treasurer - Joshua Wade

Reporter - Erin Wade

Advisor - Michael Shirley

Our Objectives

The objectives of this organization are to promote leadership and training through the following:

  • To further the interest of farm and rural young people of Tennessee.
  • To coordinate the work of county and district Young Farmer and Rancher organizations to the end that they may more effectively and efficiently serve the needs of young people of the state.
  • To strive to bring to farm and rural youth organizations, as far as practical and desirable, a greater uniformity of objectives, a common sincerity of purpose, and a definite unity of thought.
  • To extend to all eligible young people in the state programs.
  • To develop in this group a keen sense of pride in a program of service, based on high ideals, to the farm and rural communities, the county, state, and nation.

YF&R Traditions

YF&R Creed

“I live for those who love me,
For those who know me true,
For the heaven that smiles above me,
And awaits my spirit too.
For the Cause that lacks assistance,
For the wrong that needs resistance,
For the future in the distance,
And the good that I can do.”

- George Linnaeus Banks



RED - For the courage it takes to face the problems of life.

GREEN - For the privilege of living among God’s green things in the great out-of-doors.

WHITE - Purity of ideals and purposes.


The rose represents the four areas of emphasis in YF&R. They are recreation, organization, service, and education. The first letter of each of the four areas when put in the order spell ROSE.


Excellence in Agriculture Award

This contest is designed as an opportunity to earn recognition for Young Farmers & Ranchers who do not derive the majority of their income from an owned agricultural operation, while actively contributing and growing through their involvement in Farm Bureau and agriculture. Participants will be judged on their involvement in agriculture, leadership ability, involvement and participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations (i.e. civic, service and community). The contest is held each year during the YF&R Fall Tour in September. Applications are due by September 1. The winner of the state contest receives a variety of prizes, including an expense-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau convention in January to compete in the national contest.

Environmental Stewardship Award

The purpose is to recognize outstanding environmental stewardship efforts of Tennessee young farmers, in addition to increasing public awareness of the agricultural community's commitment to environmental stewardship by publicizing winners' accomplishments. The program is also an additional incentive for environmental action. Applications are due mid-June and the award is given at the Tennessee Young Farmers Conference held in July.

John Willis Scholarship

The John Willis Family and the Tennessee Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers provide a college scholarship to a college sophomore, junior or senior. The award is presented each year at the Tennessee Young Farmers Conference held in July. Applications are normally due mid-June. This is a great opportunity for agriculture students to receive funds to help pay their registration fee or purchase textbooks. Please help us promote this scholarship.

Achievement Award

This contest recognizes Tennessee Farm Bureau's top young farm and ranch family or individual each year at Tennessee Young Farmers Conference held in July. Applications are normally due mid-May. The award is judged on involvement in the community and Farm Bureau, as well as the quality of the contestant(s) farming operation and leadership activities. The winner receives a variety of prizes, including an expense-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau convention in January to compete in the national contest.

Discussion Meet

The YF&R Discussion Meet is a panel-type discussion in which YF&R are judged on their ability to express ideas and opinions on the hottest issues in agriculture. Participants attempt to influence each other by posing and answering questions with the goal of reaching a solution to a stated problem facing agriculture. The winner of the contest, which is held at state convention in December, wins some great prizes and an expense-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau convention to compete in the national contest. There is also a college level in this competition. and ranch family or individual each year at Tennessee Young Farmers Conference held in July. Applications are normally due mid-May. The award is judged on involvement in the community and Farm Bureau, as well as the quality of the contestant(s) farming operation and leadership activities. The winner receives a variety of prizes, including an expense-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau convention in January to compete in the national contest.